Thursday 1 November 2012


Are you a Naked Leader or a Quiet Leader? Has anyone Moved your Cheese recently?....and why does it matter?

To answer those questions; We’re going to need to define what a Naked Leader, or a Quiet Leader is, and to explain where the Cheese comes into it.


David Taylor is a Nike man: "Just do it." He's with Nietzsche: we should live each day as if it were our last; stop preparing for life and live it.

If you want success, however you define it, first decide what you want achieve – as a team, organisation or individual. Be very specific. Know what success would feel like, how you would measure it.

Then take action; do something.

Then reflect; did your action take your team, your organisation, yourself closer to success?

If “yes;” do more of it.

If “no” do something else.

Then reflect; did your action take your team, your organisation, yourself closer to success?

If “yes;” do more of it.

If “no” do something else.

Then reflect; did your action take your team, your organisation, yourself closer to success?

If “yes;” do more of it.

If “no” do something else……………etc


Imagine if you simply could not fail:

What would you do? You would do anything

Where would you go? You would go anywhere

Who would you be? You would be free, to be you.”





David Rock has insights about what motivates each of us to take action. His work is based on the latest understanding of our brains: “If people are being paid to think isn't it time the business world found out what the thing doing the work, the brain is all about?”


It turns out that our learned behaviour becomes “hardwired,” automatic responses. This is biologically efficient; it saves us thinking about previously encountered situations. BUT, it can cause us to get stuck in a rut, as the world changes around us. The good news is that new, adaptive, behaviours can be added….if you know how.


In order to take committed action people need to think things through for themselves. People are slow to do this, due to the level of energy and, potential, mental discomfort involved. Having an “aha” moment creates the energy needed to overcome the inertia. The Quiet Leader creates that “aha” moment energy for the team.



For Rock there are Six Steps to Transforming Performance.


Step 1.  Thinking About Thinking

               – Leader focusses on improving how people think; not what they think about.

Step 2.  Listen For Potential

              – Leader listens and thinks “how can I help you think this through?”

Step 3   Speak with Intent  

               -  Leader is Succinct, Specific, Generous (see book for definitions)

Step 4   Dance Towards Insight

-       Leader builds Awareness > Reflection  > Illumination > Motivation

Step 5   Create New Thinking

-       Leader follows GROW model ( Rock has a modified version: CREATE)

Step 6   Follow Up

-       Leader employs FEELING: Facts > Emotions > Encouragement > Learning >

Implications > New Goals.





Spencer Johnson talks about the motivations behind human inertia in the face of change too. “Who Moved My Cheese” is a modern day Aesop’s Fable. It’s easy to recognise ourselves in the characters, our lives in the maze, and our success criteria in the cheese.


Two mice and two miniature humans live in a maze. Each day they go out hunting for cheese. One day they strike gold, a plentiful cheese supply, replenished daily.


The mice live “in the moment,” and notice that the supply is diminishing and that replenishment has stopped. They aren’t surprised when the supply runs out and go back into the maze to find a new store. They eventually find one. It’s bigger and better than before.


The miniature humans respond differently. They are able to think more deeply and have a highly developed beliefs and values system. They are comfortable in the cheese store, so comfortable that they do not notice the dwindling supply; or, if they notice a change, they block it out. They are content where they are and have become fearful of the maze. They are angry that the cheese supply has stopped. They begin to starve. They stay put and discuss how unfair their situation is, how good it used to be and how bad it is out in the maze. Eventually one ventures into the maze; discovers the personal rewards of moving beyond his fears, lives off scraps for a while and then finds the same bigger and better cheese store as the mice.


The miniature human reflects on what has happened and draws some conclusions.


“Change Happens -  They Keep Moving The Cheese

Anticipate Change -  Get Ready For The Cheese To Move

Monitor Change – Smell The Cheese Often, So You Know When It’s Getting Old

Adapt To Change Quickly - The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese,The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese

Change - Move With The Cheese: Enjoy Change!

Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!

Be Ready To Change Quickly And Enjoy It Again - They Keep Moving The Cheese. “





……So back to the question: “What Kind of Leader are you?” Or maybe that should be, “What Kind of Leader do you want to be?” Which Leadership style is going to be most effective in guiding your Team or Organisation in a world of accelerating change?



…..and does it matter? I think so.



If you want to delve a little more deeply; all three of these books are short, inspirational reads.

Or try these links:   For David Rock on Quiet Leadership and how he came to write it.  For David Taylor's Naked Leader homepage For Spencer Johnson's homepage


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